WTF is a Type Class?

Photo by Cris DiNoto

I have a hard time understanding about type class a couple of weeks back while reading about Scala with Cats.

After countless research on the internet and other tutorial explaining Type Classes, I also decided to share my take and the way I look at them.

By knowing that the author of Cats Library used this technique to implement a lot of the functionality, I think it is handy as it was a widely used technique in designing the FP application.

This technique does not only limited to FP, but OOP can also use this technique to create a more modular system.

Type class is an interface that defines some behavior.

It is a way to create any behavior from an existing class without modifying anything on that source code. Instead, it creates a type class to implement the new behavior.

Type class usually define in 3 things:

  • Trait Type Class
  • Instances of Type class: Defining the type class that we care about (concrete with implicit).
  • Interface objects or interface syntax

A simple example from Alvin Alexander blog: Let’s say you have these existing data types:

sealed trait Animal
final case class Dog(name:String) extends Animal
final case class Cat(name:String) extends Animal
final case class Bird(name:String) extends Animal

Assumed that one day you need to add new behavior to Dog because it can speak like humans, you want to add a new speak behavior, but without really changing the source code you already have, and also not changing the behavior for Cat and Bird

  1. Create a Trait that has a generic parameter:
    trait SpeakBehavior[A] {
      def speak(a:A):Unit
  2. Create the instances of the type class that you want to enhance.
    object SpeakLikeHuman{
      implicit val dogSpeakLikeHuman: SpeakBehavior[Dog] = new SpeakBehavior[Dog] {
     def speak(a:Dog): Unit = {
       println(s"I'm a Dog, my name is ${})
  3. Create an API for the consumers(caller) of this type class

The caller will be calling like this:

BehavesLikeHuman.speak(aDog) // interface object
aDog.speak // interface syntax (using implicit class)

Interface Object (more explicit):

object BehavesLikeHuman {
  def speak[A](a:A)(implicit instance: SpeakLikeHuman[A]) = instance.speak(a)

To call this type class:

import SpeakLikeHuman._ // import all the implicits
val dog = Dog("Rover")

Interface Syntax (implicit):

object BehavesLikeHumanSyntax {
  implicit class BehavesLikeHumanOps[A](a:A) {
    def speak(implicit instance:SpeakLikeHuman[A]): Unit = {

Calling this:

import SpeakLikeHuman._ // import the instances
import BehavesLikeHumanSyntax.BehavesLikeHumanOps

val dog = Dog("Rover")
dog.speak // because implicitly gets it from the implicit class BehavesLikeHumanOps

To me, calling Interface syntax is not as readable as calling Interface objects, especially when you are trying to read a large codebase.

Implicit in Scala can be a double-edged sword, and for someone who is not used to reading Scala code, it can be hard for the first time to read a large codebase with multiple implicit. However, if you are using interface syntax on your API, the caller can invoke a new behavior directly on the instance - it looks like you added a new behavior to the Dog instance without changing any of the source code.

3 Main Takeaways

  • Type Class is like inheritance, but in an FP way, you get to create new behavior on the model without modifying the existing source code.
  • There are 3 steps to create a Type Class - the Interface, the Type-class instance, and the API
  • Be aware of interface syntax, and implicits in Scala because sometimes it can be hard to debug if you used it too often in a large codebase.

Full Source Code on the example above is in here.

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